Deadline: The project is planned to be accomplished on 31.10.2014
Beneficiary: Agency "Road Infrastructure"
Total cost of the project: 250 656 833.04 BGN
Awarded grant under OP "Transport": 44 803 075.94 BGN with VAT on the base of Ministerial Counsel Act (MCA) 676/21.08.2012
Sources of grant funding:
Cohesion Fund of EU: 35 842 460.75 BGN
National co-financing: 8 960 615.19 BGN
The project is funded under Priority Axis 2 "Development of road infrastructure along the Trans-European and major national transport axes" of the Operational Programme "Transport" 2007-2013
Aim of the project
The western arc of SRR is a natural extension of Highway "Lyulin". When constructed, the object will provide for the connection to and from Republic of Serbia with the main highway ring under construction in Republic of Bulgaria and it will ensures smooth distribution of local and transit traffic.
Technical parameters of the project
Overall length: 3.009 km;
Direct trace with three lanes in a direction, and two conductive roads for access with overall gauge clearance 46.0m;
Design speed: 100 km/h;
Road junction “Queen Joanna” with overpass over “Queen Joanna” Boulevard;
Road junction at “Slivnitsa” Boulevard;
Bridge over the river Kakach in the direction Kalotina;
Bridge over the river Kakach at km 0+745;
Project executors
Executor: CLEA "TRACE SRR"
1. "Trace Group Hold” JSC
2. "PSI" JSC
3. "Road Construction" JSC
4. "Stanilov" LLC
The value of the contract: 47 820 000.00 BGN with VAT
1. "Roadconsult 2000" LLC
2. "Three S" LLC
Value of the contract: 1 171 800.00 BGN with VAT