Prime Minister Boyko Borisov and the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski and the EU funds Minister Tomislav Donchev, together with the President of European Commission Jose Manuel Barroso visited today the construction site of the second metro line in Sofia.
The official delegation of the European Commission examined the newly built "Ancient cultural complex Serdica". Archaeological findings in "Ancient cultural complex Serdica" were found during the works on the project for extension of the Sofia Metro in the section "Road junction Nadezhda - Central Railway Station - Sv. Nedelya sq. - The National Palace of Culture- Cherny vrah blvd". which is funded by the Operational Programme Transport".
To be preserved archaeological finds uncovered during the excavation, the project was revised and the metro station, located near Central Department Store was situated under the antique complex.
Until now the project for extension of the Metropolitan Sofia from Nadejda - Central Railway Station and Central Bus Station, Square "Sv. Nedelia - bul."Cherni vruh" is over the implementation of the structural part of the tunnel section, as the tunnel boring machine reached the output shaft on bul." Vitosha "on August 30, 2011
Metro Stations 5 and 6 are completed entirely constructive. At the moment are performing the architectural and installation works, and their completion is planned for the end of November this year. Pending installation of elevators and escalators.