All the railway projects, financed under OP “Transport“ 2007-2013, are being completed and put into service.
This became clear during the demonstration train trip of the members of OP “Transport“ 2007-2013 Monitoring Committee from Pazardjik to Todor Kableshkov railiway station.
During the trip in real mode have been demonstrated the functionalities of the newly built security systems when the train speed is up to 160 km/h.
Eng. Krassimir Papukchiiski, General Director of NKRI, has presented the completed projects of the company along the railway line from Septemvri to Bourgas.
The members of the Monitoring Committee have visited also the newly built road “Zlatitrap” overpass. It has been built as part of the project “Modernization of the railway section “September-Plovdiv”: part of the Trans-European Railway Network – construction of 4 overpasses”. The total budget of the project is about 19 million leva and the deadline for the completion of the 4 road facilities is in the middle of 2018.
Eng. Krassimir Papukchiiski has informed that after their construction, all the crossings at one level between the road and railway transport will be reduced, and this will guarantee better safety along the whole railway section from Septemvri to Plovdiv.
The participants in the trip have also visited the newly built Intermodal Terminal, situated near Todor Kableshkov railway station. This is the first facility of that kind in Bulgaria, built by the state with European financing.
After a procedure held under the Concession Law a contract with private operator has been signed and in due time the facility will be put into real operation, informed the Head of the Managing Authority of OPTTI 2014-2020, eng. Galina Vassileva.