"The total value of approved projects for implementation under priority axis 1 of Operational Programme on Transport reach EUR 2.7 billion" said Minister Moskovski. This includes the project for extension of Sofia's underground, together with national and other sources of funding. Almost half of them are grants. Minister Ivailo Moskovski attended the official ceremony of signing the contracts for theproject "Electrification and reconstruction of Dimitrovgrad-Svilengrad railway line".
"For the last two years we were able to negotiate more than we expected in the first axis of OP"Transport" and all railway projects have already got approved application forms by the European Commission" the minister said. He wished successful work to the contractors and warned them their work will be closely monitored for time and quality.
The contract for the reconstruction and electrification of railway line Dimitrovgrad - Svilengrad is divided into three positions:
- Item 1 - Reconstruction and electrification of the railway section Dimitrovgrad - Harmanli, with an approximate length of track - 36 km.
Artist of the project: "Terna" SA, Greece; offered price - 136 million leva excluding VAT; - Item 2 - Reconstruction and electrification of the railway section Harmanli - Svilengrad, with an approximate length of track - 34 km, and rehabilitation and electrification of railway line Svilengrad-Greece border approximately 4 km long. Artist: "Railway Infrastructure 2011"; offered price - 116 497 477 leva excluding VAT.
- Item 3 - Construction of new traction substations in Simeonovgrad and Svilengrad and expansion of the traction substation in Dimitrovgrad. Artist: "Start engineering" JSC, Sofia offered price - 20,350,493 leva excluding VAT.
The section from Dimitrovgrad to Svilengrad is part of the project "Reconstruction and electrification of railway line Plovdiv - Svilengrad - Turkish /Greek borders" and will be financed under Operational Programme on Transport. Beneficiary is the National Company "Railway Infrastructure".