Approved grant under "Operational Programme on Transport" to date is 2,828,816,093 levs. This is over 70% of the program budget. Beneficiaries have been paid more than EUR 722 million, and the analysis shows that by the end of the year this amount will grow to over 1 billion. Ten infrastructure projects, covered by the program, are in process of implementation.
In the first priority axis for development of railway infrastructure, six contracts were signed for the provision of grants to over 1,174 billion, representing over 90% of the axis' budget. Beneficiaries are paid more than EUR 232 million until now. These funds implement the rehabilitation of railway line Plovdiv - Burgas and modernization of the railway line Septemvri - Plovdiv. In process of implementation is also "Electrification and reconstruction of the railway line Svilengrad - Turkish border" project. 14 km railway line has already been biult, which represents 75% implementation of the project.
Extension of the subway from Obelia to Nadejda and from Mladost to Tzarigradsko Shosse is also funded by the first priority axis. Beneficiary has concluded contracts for construction and supervision of the project, the physical performance is over 75%. It was also concluded a contract for delivery of 18 new trains for almost EUR 154 million. Project is implemented on time, even it is expected earlier completion of Lot 2 "Mladost - Carigradsko Shosse" in the end of April, 2012.
For the development of road infrastructure (second priority axis) were concluded six contracts totaling more than 1196 billion, or about 65% of the budget of the axis. Beneficiary Agency "Road Infrastructure" paid over 220 million in the process of implementing projects for the highway "Struma" and "Maritza", junction "Kardjali - Podkova", and the link between Sofia ring road with "Hemus" Motorway. The construction and highway "Trakia" to date has achieved physical progress of 53% on Lot 2 "Stara Zagora, Nova Zagora", 56% of Lot 3 "Nova Zagora - Yambol," and 41% of Lot 4 ", Yambol - Karnobat". Inspections, made by the Ministry of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications show that construction is performed on time and in compliance with the standards of quality.
Under the third priority axis, which finances projects for improving intermodality for passenger and freight, are concluded two contracts for the provision of financial assistance under "Operational Programme on Transport" totaling almost 363 million levs, which represents about 85 % of the budget of the axis. Beneficiaries are paid over 250 million levs.
The implementation of Phase I of the project for extending the subway "Road junction" Nadejda "- Central Railway Station - Sveta Nedelya Church - Cherni vryh blv " is also funded by OP"Transport". The project is going on schedule and the physical and financial performance is about 75% ready until now. At the end of August had completed work on digging the tunnel sections. By the end of the year four of the stations will be fully completed and the remaining three of them - design completed.
To date, on the fourth priority axis was signed one contract for the "Establishment of River Information System in the Bulgarian part of Danube River - BULRIS" project .
These results rank OP "Transport" on one of the leading positions of all programs operating in Bulgaria.