The Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria Boyko Borisov together with the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications Ivaylo Moskovski have opened the reconstructed part of "Lom Road" boulevard (from White Danube str. to Khan Kubrat str.) The event was attended by the Mayor of Sofia Municipality, Jordanka Fandakova, the executive director of Metropolitan PLC, Stoyan Bratoev.
The section of the boulevard is a part of the building, connected with the construction of phase II of the project for extension of the Sofia underground. Minister Ivaylo Moskovski congratulated the executor on the good work and wished to keep the accelerated rates of work.
The Prime Minister accentuated that in April 2012 above 40 000 people will use the Sofia underground. According to his words the boulevard and the district are a typical example for the positive things happening in Bulgaria in the recent years.
Thank you all people that had patience to wait the opening of one of the most beautiful boulevards in Sofia, built according to all requirements, said Jordanka Fandakova at the opening.
The roadways have three conveyors in both directions - as follows two conveyors in every direction, an end conveyor for parking and a bicycle alley.
The value of the built section of the boulevard as well as the concomitant engineering infrastructure amounts to 3,6 million levs. The financing is realized by the Operational Programme "Transport" - 80% together with national co-financing - 20%.